My name is Simon Harris and following a series of events most of which were outside of my control, decided to drop of the grid and live aboard my 25 foot Folkboat Sylmara. I have owned the boat for five years and up to this point she has been a day sailor. Her modest accommodation will force me to abandon most of my material possessions which appeals massively at the point of writing this introduction.
Over the next couple of months I plan to fit the boat out for sea and then head off to explore the world. My main plan is to quite literally take each day as it comes and try not to take things to seriously.
I am going to document as much of my adventures as possible as I am likely to meet some interesting people and visit some strange and distant shores.
My aim will be to document the rich fabric of life in a bid to understand my place in the great scheme of things.
I hope you enjoy this blog and any adventures which unfold.
Dream big sail small.